The Campaign Committee to bring Nezar al-Khazraji to Justice

Axelborg 2A, 2TH, 8700 Horsens, Danmark

Tel. 0045 756 11540, Fax: 0045 756 12433






To: The State Department (USA) and Europe Parliament


Dear: Sirs/ Madams


Re: Bringing The Criminal Nezar al-Khazraji to Justice


We have gathered a substantial evidence to charge the criminal Nezar al-Khazraji, the former Iraqi Army Chief Command who is currently living in Denmark, for crimes against humanity.  Al-Khaztaji was the head of the Iraqi army during the infamous campaign of Anfal between February and September 1988.  Anfal is the code name of a series of attacks on the Kurdish people in the villages of Iraqi Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).  These attacks resulted in the disappearance of 182000 men, women, and children and the destruction of more than 2500 villages and looting of all the villagers’ belongings.  Iraq had used all its military power including a wide use of chemical weapons, which resulted in the killing of more than 6000 and maiming thousands more during these attacks.


The evidence that prove beyond any doubt the involvement of al-Khazraji in these crimes include documents, testimonies of witnesses, authentic video and audiocassette, national gazettes and other publications.  Human Rights Watch has also mentioned the involvement of al-Khazraji during Anfal in their report, Genocide in Iraq, The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds.   The gathered evidence leaves no shadow of doubt about the involvement of al-Khazraji in planning, implementation and follow up measures of the crime of Anfal.  His involvement in these crimes against humanity resulted in the disappearance of 182000 innocent people.


We are asking you to help us in bringing this criminal to justice.  What we are seeking is what you advocate for in your efforts to promote human rights, democracy and justice.  We believe that your constitution has clearly pointed out that such huge crimes against humanity must not go unpunished. We have submitted our evidence to the Justice department in Denmark and they, thankfully, are investigating the case.










United States of America is now more eager than any other time to end the brutal regime in Iraq and help establishing a government that protect human rights and promote democracy.  All the minorities and citizens of Iraq must live in peace and harmony.  We believe that this can not be achieved under the leadership of al-Khazraji, who has been brought up by Saddam’s regime and committed so many crimes against humanity both in the north and the south of Iraq.


Looking Forward to hearing from you


Warm regards


Yours faithfully



Darsim R Farhan


Copy to:

            -     The Danish Parliament

-         The Foreign Office (Denmark)

-         The American Embassy in Copenhagen




  1. The Iraqi Kurdistan Communist Party

  2. Kurdistan National Congress KNK

  3. Kurdistan National Congress KNC

  4. Kurdistan Toilers Party – Europa Branch 

  5. Works Party For Independent Kurdistan

  6. Rizgary Party Of  Kurdistan -RPK-

  7. Kurdish National Party (Pankurd).

  8. Kurdistan National Party

  9. Kurdish Socialist Party (PASOK)

  10. Kurdish Yeketi Party in Syrian

  11. Kurdistan Independent Party

  12. Kurdistan Laborious Struggle Organization

  13. Kurdistan Homeland Movement

  14. Halabja Home Page

  15.  Hompage

  16. Finland Kurdish Cultural Centre

  17. Federation of the Kurdish Organisation against Ethnic Cleansing

  18. The Halabja and Anfal Campaing

  19. Australian Kurdish Cultural Centre

  20. Kurdistan Socialist Democraty Party/Europe Branch

  21. Australian Kurdish Media Centre

  22. Kurd Newsparper Australian

  23. Kurdish Institute in Stockholm

  24. Kurd Humanitarian Organization (LAFNA) – Canada

  25. The Iraq Human Right Society – Danmark

  26. Association of HIWAI Kurdistan  - Sweden.

  27. The Kurdish Group in Roskilde – Danmark

  28. Kurdish Institute in Stockholm – Sweden.

  29. Kirkuk Identity Protection Centre.

  30. Kurdish Society in Haugaland – Norway

  31. Kurdish-Danish Cultural Association

  32. Kurdish Lawyer Trained in Austria 

  33. Kurdistan Nęt